Unity Penelope Tutorial update for Unity 3 and C# – Part 2, Pages 37-71
Wow, I didn’t realize that part 2 would involve writing so much code. The tap control piece was much longer than I had expected, and even now the zoom in feels much faster than the zoom out so I might have a small error some where.
I also had to rewrite the ZoomCamera JS to C# because the TapControl had a code reference to the class and I didn’t realize that you couldn’t have mismatching code classes reference each other, not that I am that surprised that it was a problem when it arose either mind you… maybe I imagined unity was so magical that it wouldn’t be an issue. ^_~
Part 2 converts all three control types into c# along with 2 other classes:
I did run into a few small errors in the tutorial, and I made notes by them above their respected snippet or as a comment in the code. Enjoy.
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